Global Assistance for Medical Equipment, Kosovo

Global Assistance for Medical Equipment

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A Global Coalition of clinical engineers, BMETs, WHO/PAHO, and other entities (general biomedical, imaging and lab equipment maintenance listservs, etc.) began in 2004 to address health technology management-HTM needs of health resource-limited countries.  Specifically to address long-standing global challenges re:
  1. Parts, 
  2. Manuals, 
  3. Training, 
  4. Funds (very limited/targeted), 
  5. HTM (technical support person to person) Relationships.  

To address the needs of places where WHO/PAHO/ACCE have done Advanced Clinical Engineering Workshop-ACEWs:where prioritized HTM needs are clear, (e.g., Kosovo), or places where no ACEW but priority needs are readily identified by other credible sources. GAME began as this gap was recognized following the 2004 Kosovo ACEW.

In 2005-2006, GAME sent an HTM mentor on-site to facilitate rapid progress in Kosovo, and to initiate use of the WHO TEMP HTM inventory management software. In 2007, GAME assisted Kosovo’s MoH in developing health technology structure, policy and strategy. In 2008, GAME will assist similar activities in East Africa, where several WHO HTM workshops have taken place and created a natural platform for this work.

The goal of GAME would be to make it easy for hundreds of HTM professionals to do a periodic transaction (e.g. listserv response) that helps a colleague in a developing country with an HTM challenge on a given day.   For many to get into the "Game" - sharing very targeted technical or clinical or HTM/medical equipment assistance.

Sgt. Stull performs BMET training in Prishtina
Sgt. Stull performs BMET training in Prishtina

See what great things we are doing in Kosovo
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See what great things we are doing in Kosovo
See what great things we are doing in Kosovo

Meet the players in the GAME
Meet the players in the GAME

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Click here to help out

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Interesting and relevant links

Contact the Global Assistance for Medical Equipment
Contact the Global Assistance for Medical Equipment

Participants include:
Medshare International World Health OrganizationAmerican College of Clinical Engineering Internation AidKosovo Ministry of Health

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© 2005 Laurent J. LaBrie